To be honest, I kinda want to see this movie now...
Douglas Adams (the GREAT Douglas Adams) has a great bit in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency about how the impossible is just an indicator of holes in your understanding.
To be honest, I kinda want to see this movie now...
Douglas Adams (the GREAT Douglas Adams) has a great bit in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency about how the impossible is just an indicator of holes in your understanding.
He's got the pyramid all wrong. ☺
This thought is certainly not unique to me, I stopped reading at a certain point but I believe Stark Industries made web bombs and other stuff out of it... not sure if they paid Pete for that. Although Spidey as a rich nerd, the mature version, would be fun.
I picture the pre-Ark people in Heaven laughing at us... "OMG you people eat cows!?!? You eat PIGS???!?! Jesus I'm SO glad I died before the world went to shit man."
As long as I'm on a biblical kick... ☺
Note: He's cheating at solitaire. Or rather "playing in mysterious ways."
Dejá Boo: the weird feeling that you've seen these ghosts before.
Why do ghosts say "Boo!!"? Aren't they enjoying the show? It's got lots of shower scenes in it... (Admittedly, the script is a little rambling, but we forgave Game Of Thrones for that didn't we?)
A surprising number of us still have a lot of Meanderthal DNA in our gene pool. Beth: I STILL don't exactly know what to think about the Denisovians. ☺
"So... am I better like this; or like this? Which is better, this... or this?"
I want those optometrist glasses. I'm thinking about claiming that I've already invented them so the Chinese can knock them off for 10¢ on the dollar. A new meaning for the phrase "They knocked off my glasses."