I can't remember a time in my life when I drank five shots of Pure Grain Alcohol and tried to paint the water tower.
Our memories try to protect us, but it's a tough job.
I can't remember a time in my life when I drank five shots of Pure Grain Alcohol and tried to paint the water tower.
Our memories try to protect us, but it's a tough job.
Ultimately ALL governments come down to this. ☺
Deborah Kay likes the expressions on their faces, the body language. "You know exactly who these guys are."
Savannah (may she rest in peace) said they should be shopping at K-Mart and it could be "wolves in cheap clothing". Which is a pretty good bit, but it's a different joke than this one.
V had an alternate caption for this one too (that is yet again arguably better than mine):
"Try the apples."
☺ This is partly because we love Famous Dave's fried apples, but also because if there's one thing Adam could benefit from it's knowledge.
The guy's name was indeed Erich, and if you grew up watching Ed Sullivan you're probably hearing Khatchaturian's "Sword Dance" in your head right now. ☺
Benedicts are in fact one of the best benefits. Although paid time off is nice too...
Honestly I have always had this thought when I see flowers in a vase. DOUBLY so when it's at a funeral home.
Hi again Beth! So does this look vaguely familiar? ☺
I'm not sure why people want to put up Intelligent Design as an alternative to evolution, given that evolution might have been part of the design, and that "So-Called Intelligent Design" is an extremely fair criticism even without the avocados, and most especially that Intelligent Design is a set of beliefs that says "There IS a God, and He is definitely not the guy in your book."